Birth story 💕 - emergency c section


So 2 months later I finally find the time and have the courage to write my birth story 😊

On the 17th of January at 8:00 pm my contractions started they were very light and came every 10 minutes so I went to bed since I thought it’s still gunna take a while. The night wasn’t so great I woke up with almost every contraction but I wasn’t ready to go to the hospital yet. At 8:00 am on the 18th my contractions were 5-7 minutes apart. I called my midwife and she said I could come to the hospital but if I’m feeling fine I could also stay home for a bit since my water didn’t break yet, so I decided to stay home and take a shower. The contractions were very strong (my whole pregnancy I got no stretch marks but because of the contractions I ended up getting some) but they were growing farther apart so we ended up not going to the hospital till 8:00 pm that evening. They told me I was only dilated 1-2 cm and I could go home again if I wanted but they were pretty sure I’d come back that night. The hospital was 30 minutes away but I decided to go home (I’m not a big fan of hospitals😜).

At 12:00 am I threw up because the pain was so bad and I told my fiancée we had to go back to the hospital. So we drove back 30 minutes and for those who haven’t had a baby contractions are the worst while sitting in the car cause you obviously can’t change your position (at least for me they were) 😳

At 1:00 I was 3-4 cm dilated and decided to take a bath to try to soothe the pain. I was in the bath for about an hour but nothing had changed I was still 4 cm dilated.

The birthing station was so full that night we couldn’t even go into a labor room so my fiancée and I waited in the dining room area until 6:00 in the morning until there was finally a room for us 😒

At that time my midwife got there, i was 6-7 cm dilated and she asked me if I wanted an epidural, I wanted to try this all natural so I declined.

We walked around to try to speed up the process I was giving electrolytes through an IV and food but I just couldn’t eat even thought I hadn’t eaten in like 16 hours

I was exhausted at 11 she told me it’ll be time to push soon since my babies head was in the birthing canal. The contractions were so awful I was constantly throwing up

At 12 I realized something was wrong. My midwife brought in a doctor to come check on me they did an ultrasound and saw that she had slipped out of the birthing canal and her back was too far to the left and there was no way she was gunna come out naturally so my fiancée (in panic) asked what’s gunna happen now?

And they said we have to do an emergency c section

My fiancée knew this was the last thing I wanted, I told him that like 100 times before the birth 🙈

So obviously we were both crying cause we were super scared and he wasn’t allowed to be in the room during the operation

He called my mom and his parents and told them they have to rush to the hospital, he thought something is gunna go wrong

Thankfully it didn’t and after hours and hours of labor our beautiful little girl was born on January 19th at 1:15 pm weighing 3085g and 48cm long 💕💕

It was the scariest and most beautiful experience of my life 🤗

Today she is 2 months and 6 days and we couldn’t love her any more then we do now 🎀 💓💓