When enough is enough


For the past 4 years i went from leaving an abusive marriage, losing my dad, losing my businesses, losing lots of friends and .....gaining weight . All submerged by the power of depression and alcohol . A lot of it . Everyday . Faithfully. Couldnt wait to be alone to indulge in my ritual . 2 to 3 pints of bourbon every night. Hiding from everyone. Ashamed . Beat .

One day , my friend and i , went to see a celebrity who we both love . We took a picture with him and were eager to share it online asap

That was before i saw myself on that pic .

When i saw myself on that pic, i was like hell No! This can't be me!!!!

I had slowly accumulated weight, and i was too depressed to see it.

I could feel it but was too busy pitying myself to actually face it . This day changed my life . I quit drinking cold Turkey and started looking at myself in the mirror again . More gym, less unhealthy food, more positive mindset, no alcohol and a determination to get my life back .

Minus 20 lbs later , i am healthy, clear minded and ready to get back on the field.

Anyone out there who feels helpless, lonely and cornered, believe it or not, your day will come . Just don't surrender. No matter how dark it looks. Pray up . Stay strong . 🙌💪


I was asked about the ab app that i use so here it is . There are different levels and it tracks your progress and your BMI . I love it


i can wear clothes again ! Wow . Thank you God . This dress hasn't fit since 2015.