MIL Baby sitting!

For my own sanity, I worked SOOO very hard on a sleep schedule. I try to not let my baby fall into a deep sleep after 6pm. I don’t deny her sleep but I won’t let her sleep for hours on end before we go to bed because she will be up all night. It works for us, I let her nap if she needs it but make sure I wake her every hour past 6... she’s never woken up angry, crying nothing like that! She’s so calm.... so it’s not like I’m waking her up and she’s loosing it, she just hangs out lol anyways, I had my MIL baby sit her while I went out... I explained my schedule for the evening.... and that if she sleeeps for long periods of time she will be up all night and how I worked so hard on getting this routine so I could get some sleep as I was so sleep deprived before... she didn’t even need to hold her, she’s content in her glider watching things going on around her.. so we left for about 7 hours and when we got home she’s like she slept the whole time and only ate once (2 ounces) and I was kind of upset because I explained prior how much it means to me to keep to this schedule... and 2 ounces in 7 hours? Are you fucking with me... she’s a bit smaller so I try to pump that food in, she will eat when it’s given to her and hardly cries when she is hungry.. for me and anyone else whose watched her she’s ate like a champ! 4 ounces every 3 hours the past two weeks...and was I right? Yes, she was up ALL night and I had an important family function to attend that early morning so I was completely exhausted!

Why couldn’t she just listen? It’s not hard to grab her every hour, throw a new diaper on and put her back down... it’s not something I’d ever complain about to her or any family but like come on? I went out of my way to make it so easy for her... prepped everything! Bottle liners in the bottles, bottles next to the warmer, new onesie next to the change pad, got her chips, ordered her food and all’s she had to do was just move her every hour... but instead plops her down for 7 hours and that’s it? I find it hard to believe because she never sleeps that long in the evening... her naps are usually no more than 3 hours anytime during the day and usually range on 2 hours.. the odd time she naps for 3 hours straight.

It feels like a slap in the face because I stressed that it was important to me that she did this and as soon I was in she’s like ya she sleept the whole time...