I know I do

If you you can relate to this I am so sorry I know how this feels I am this right now. I am literally this and I also have to be the happiness for everyone else. I don’t know how to fix this I don’t have any real friends that I can spill my guts to I am stuck in a shitty town and I feel lost 95% of the time I don’t remember the last time I was purely happy and that honestly sucks so much. I get irritable with people quickly I get frustrated over little things and I am angry all the time. I have made friends over the last couple of years but they do shitty things to me I am done helping others I need some help! But I don’t know where to go I don’t want to hurt myself or anyone else I am just tired and can’t give anymore..... You know when the airline says “ Incase of emergency the oxygen mask will drop down, put yours on before assisting others?” I need to put my oxygen mask on.