Don’t let it consume you

I am not sure who needs to hear this but .... Whether you have hsv1 or hsv2, don’t let it take over your life. Do you think everyone who has hsv1 orally is in a state of depression and feels like their life is over? I felt that way for two months then realized I need to take back my life. No one is perfect and mistakes happen. I’m not going to let hsv1 define me- and neither should you guys. You are the same person you were before you were diagnosed. And you care about yourself that’s why you went to get checked. Don’t feel like you are less than a person for this. People are dealing with way bigger demons and are living their best life. Yes it sucks and yes it will hurt for a while .. but it is not going anywhere and it’s not going to kill you. The stigma is worse than the disease!! Start asking people if they ever had a cold sore- you will be more surprised than you think. So shake it off and let go and let God!