Need your help ladies please

I have been spotting on and off went to the ER on the 22nd baby had strong heartbeat of 164 and my HCG level was👇

Today the 27th I went back for a little darker blood with little clots and this was my HCG quantum

They said they found no heartbeat now my question is has any of you experienced this while being told there was no heartbeat but your HCG levels were going up and not down mind you on the 22nd I was measuring in the six-week range and today they said I'm in the seven week range on the 22nd the lady that did my abdominal scan press down really hard she said she had to in order to see the baby the lady I went to today barely pressed at all and only stayed on the left side I have a doctors appointment on Friday for another ultrasound in HCG blood test just trying to hold on to any hope