**please read description** do you believe in respecting your “elders” if they are disrespectful towards you?

So I’m young. (19) and the woman that runs my machine at work on day shift came in this morning pissed off. (There’s not many young women around my age at work to begin with) but she always comes in with an attitude, rolling her eyes, pursing her lips etc. she always asks me personal questions about my sex life and my personal life and here lately I’ve been keeping things brief with her and not telling her my business anymore because she’s been running her mouth to people about the father of my child and our relationship. And no, our relationship is no where near toxic I swear. She would have me staying after work 5-10 minutes late because she would sit there and constantly question me about my life. She’s about 50 years old give or take. But anyways, there was an empty box that I had completely forgot to discard of and a coil (of wire) that was under the oven that I didn’t even notice was there. I mean it was deep under the oven , I’m not even sure how she saw it. I think she was just looking for something to pick at me about. She called me over to the machine and was literally yelling at me as if I keyed her car or something, asking me if I saw the coil and telling me to take the box away from the machine. There was so much coming out of her mouth that I couldn’t even comprehend what she was saying. She was speaking loud and violently not even allowing me to explain that it was an accident and that I’m in no way purposely leaving these things. Well things escalated and we ended up getting into an argument. (Stupid I know) and I hate that I even got out of character for this woman. But she was clearly disrespectful and as she was sitting there yelling at me she had people staring. Like I said I hate that I got out of character for her but I just feel like she only did it because I’m young and she thought that I was going to allow her to treat me like I’m no one just because she’s an older woman. Like i understand her frustration but there’s a way to say things. It isn’t what you say, it’s how you say it. I thanked her for reminding me but told her that there was no need to be rude about it and turn it into an argument. So my question is, depending on the level of disrespect, if an “elder” disrespects you, do you let them slide or do you stand up for yourself?

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