In laws

Rant - My SO recently told me my in-laws think I no longer like them. Reason being: we had a baby a few months ago, first grandchild - I get it it’s a huge thing but I felt so overwhelmed by them for the first few weeks, they would be over every day saying they can’t help it, they love the baby so much. I would be tired and exhausted & trying to get a routine with my baby but there they are wanting to hold and kiss the baby the whole time. I guess my attitude started showing how annoyed I was that they were there all the time or always calling to see what the baby is doing. I do love my in laws still but I wish they weren’t so overbearing with visits or into our lives. Like for example we plan a weekend getaway and we mention it to them and right away they include themselves to go! We literally have to say that we just want it to be us 3!! They want to do everything together, and are always buying the baby things and “stopping by really quick” to give us the things. Now it’s to the point where my SO feels he needs to make it up to them, wanting to be around them more and have the baby with them more - but honestly I’m just so damn tired of having to be with family ALL the damn time or having to keep people happy. I feel he’s been quite different with me since his parents told him that & I hate feeling this way. I just want us to be at home, do things alone sometimes not have any responsibility to visit or call or text, check in with parents. Ughhhh rant over - am I being ridiculous/ annoying? I don’t know what to do? 🤷🏽‍♀️