Being indecisive about TTC?

I need some input, advice, really anything. My husband has been wanting another child for over a year (we’ve been married 5 years and have a 3 year old). I told him that I was not ready at that point. Fast forward to January of this year I have decided I was finally ready to think about another baby. Got my birth control removed in January and used the pull out method for a month until my cycle got regulated.

Now, here’s where I’m so confused. I REALLY want another child. Me and my husband both have siblings and we want the same for our daughter. We’re financially stable. Our daughter keeps asking for a “real brother or sister.” I feel ready mentally and physically and emotionally to welcome another baby into our family. I’m just so indecisive because of little things such as which child do I put in the car first when I have 2. Or where do we fit two kids while grocery shopping. I am a small business owner and I wouldn’t be able to just leave my business for maternity leave, but I do work from home anyways. He’s in the military so he’s hardly home to begin with lol. And even though we live in a 4 bedroom home we use one for us, one for our daughter, one for her playroom and one for a guest room. Which would I give up for baby #2? We live 4 hours away from our closest family, so when I go into labor who watches my daughter? (Were VERY protective parents and only trust 3 people to watch her)

I feel like I’m definitely one of those people who have to have everything perfectly planned and so these small questions are making it hard. Me and my husband are ready for baby #2 I just feel scared I guess. Having one child seems so much easier than 2. But I want her to have a sibling and I want another baby so bad. 😓

Has anyone been in a similar situation? Any advice?