Greedy family/ my money

Natasha • Shy girl, devoted girlfriend, sugar spice and everything nice all in one all while proving everyone wrong who ever doubts me

I just need to vent right now before my anxiety makes me bawling mess, even if no one sees this that's fine.

When i started CC i was getting about 21-2300 in refunds every 3 months from financial aid. At the time i was still living with my mom so i chose to help her out when she needed it because i was using the utilities and such. Now that i moved in with my boyfriend she's still asking for money. I have my own bills to take care of here including food, , phone, pets, transportation and supplies for anything( it was set and agreed on by my boyfriend who I'm living with). I thought as soon as i moved out i wouldnt be paying her bills anymore because i wasn't adding to them, guess not. What's worse is there are lots of adults living there. What's stopping them from contributing? I even got petty and told my older sister who lives there, she needed to find something soon because mom told me she was waiting for unemployment without even looking at possible listings. Yeah i got bitchy with her. Sorry, but I'm tired of paying for things that aren't even my problem. I suspect I'll get less this time than i did before because of pricier classes so I'm picky about where my money is going besides the main things. She's my mom and i love her and ik she has good intentions but woman, can't your daughter have her own money without worrying about your problems. If money is tight, take action. Tell the adults who dont have a job to start looking for one. She says she'll pay be back but how do i know she will? She stills owes me 600 from last time that she'll never pay back. And i know someone is going to call me a entitled brat who won't help her family. Ive helped plenty of times. Right now they need to stop relying on the one child with money to help all the time. The only reason i kinda considered is because my teen sister still lives there. But im an adult, i have my own bills to pay and my own responsibilities. Im already planning to get a summer job because my money will run out before then. I try to talk to her but everytime i voice my opinion the conversation always goes back to " when are you getting your money" or " do you know how much your getting"? I'm sick of it. She says she hates asking but if she did wouldnt she find others way to pay the bills? Idfk anymore.

Update: everythings been settled. we both weren't happy and i may feel worse but it had to be done.