They got out of the gate!!!


I take a little nap on the couch, I wake up, and the dogs I’m watching are GONE. I look at the gate outside, and they managed to bash it open (it’s only held by a little latch, and a loose chain that just sits on-top of it). So I start freaking out, grab the leashes, and run outside screaming their names for 10 minuets till I get down to the road. One of the leaders or whatever of this community pulls over and I explain to her what happened. She tried to blame ME for them getting out, saying “my gate” was horrible. I explained to her I was housesitting and I couldn’t control how the gate was locked up. We finally spot them in the bushes a few feet from the house, I call for them, get them back in the house, and I inspected the gate. I managed to shove a rock where the crack was so they couldn’t do it again (not even realizing they could do it in the first place). THEN, I go into the bedroom on my phone, I hear rustling and banging from the kitchen, and THE DOG TOOK MY PURSE OFF THE TABLE WAS WAS TEARING THROUGH IT!!!! I yell at her, realized her and the other dog SOMEHOW got a buffalo sauce packet and another wrapper, then licked both clean. These dogs are NOT disciplined, they’re NOT trained, and I’m struggling so hard to keep them at bay. I feel like I’m yelling at them 24/7 and I feel horrible. I hate yelling at animals. All I had to do was fill their bowls with water and food, THATS IT. Somehow they manage to make that job 1000x harder because they’re so destructive and needing 24/7 monitoring. I just wanna collect my money and be done with this.

The owner of these dogs apparently don’t seem to care about everything I’m telling her, including destroying my things. Never doing this again 😒