August Mamas I Need Positivity

Samantha • Mama to Leona Mae 08/12/19 and Gemma Lee 08/26/22 💜 Baby #3 due 08/20/24

Had my 2nd trimester scan yesterday...because of the way baby was positioned the tech told me she couldn’t view everything she needed to and I might have to come back. She made sure to say “I don’t see that anything is wrong but it’s just that I can’t see all the stuff I need, so don’t freak out if they tell you to come back” Well I have like a portal where my results go, so the ultrasound summary just came in and the things she wasn’t able to view all had to do with baby’s heart so OF COURSE I’m freaking out! I’ve already messaged my dr and asked if I need to go back and if so, how soon can I go. You can see on the summary the things marked “no” for not observed are all heart related.

Has this happened to anyone else? Am I probably freaking out for no reason? I like this access to my results but sometimes without the dr there to explain it just causes worry, I hope unnecessary worry.