March 16th 🥰


So I’m a few weeks late on this but I am absolutely in love with my birth experience/induction. There were a few hiccups but honestly couldn’t have asked for a better experience.

March 15th I went into the hospital at 6 pm. My last OB appointment was the same day at 3 pm and when I was at the OB appointment my OB said my cervix wasn’t soft and I was closed. But tbh, when she checked my cervix it didn’t hurt (I’m a FTM, and I’ve read horror stories about cervix checks hurting, and was told by my mom and MIL’s that they hurt) so I’m not sure the OB was checking right bc when I got to the room they checked me and I almost came up out of the bed. The nurse said I was 1cm for sure, could have stretched me to a 2 but my cervix wasn’t soft so she wasn’t going to do that to me. Anyway, Cervidil was placed at 8pm and stayed in for 12 hours. At 8 am the next day, they started the pitocin. Wasn’t too bad and at about 10 they checked me and I was at 3cm 75% effaced. They broke my water and I’m thinking “I’m just two hours this stuff was working pretty quick so I figured my body was picking up the pitocin well so I figured I better get my epidural!!”. I WAS SO WRONG. I stayed at 3 cm 75% effaced till 5pm!!! But my epidural lasted through it all so it was worth it.

At about 3 pm after upping my pitocin dose to 22 (this was like the 5th or 6th time they upped the dose) they were talking about turning it off and seeing if my body would catch up. They had been turning me on my sides every 30 minutes and checking me every 2 hrs. At about 4pm they checked me and I was still at 3cm and about 80% effaced and so they turned me and when they turned me I felt this god awful pressure. I had to breathe through it bc I thought it was normal 4:30 nurse comes and turns me again and leaves. At 4:50 the pressure was too great, I told my husband to get the nurse to check me. When she came in she looked at me in shock and said “well, your a 10 and fully effaced! You ready to push?” I was SHOOK. I was scared, nervous, and excited all at once. But the epidural was SO strong I couldn’t move from my boobs down so it felt as if I had no abdominal muscles to push so it was very weird for me! 30 minutes into pushing and they tell me I have to breathe through my contractions bc the OB had to go deliver another mom. THAT SHIT WAS SO HARD TO DO!! I had been pushing for 30 minutes and I felt the need to push not breathe through them, plush you could see her head when they told me this so you can imagine the pressure I was feeling in my lady region was crazy!! Anywhooo. 6:15pm and my little love was here❤️

Maddisyn Grace 8lbs 3oz At 6:15 pm 🥰

Here are some pictures!! I also added a picture of the aftermath of my epidural, I didn’t even know I had a bruise though tbh, the epidural worked great! And I had no pain after it!!