Vaginal birth with herpes

About a month ago I was told I had Genital herpes. I am positive I have got this during my pregnancy. Me and my husband got back together in November when I was roughly 5 months pregnant and I caught it from him after he had been with another women. I had my “first” outbreak at the beginning of March when I was roughly 32 weeks pregnant. I was instantly put on medicine that I have been taking every single day since and will have to take till I deliver my son. Things seemed to be clear down there and my and my husband had sex and within 2 days he had an outbreak. Now I’m worried I have caused him to have that outbreak and if it was that easy will I not pass it to my son during delivery?

I have talked to my OB and it seems like nothing to her. She doesn’t seem concerned at all like I feel/want her to be. Anytime I bring up delivery and herpes she just says if I’m burning or tingling or having an outbreak that they won’t let me deliver but the odds are small with my medicine. I’ve read online that if you catch herpes while pregnant that the odds of passing it to the baby are even higher. With me and my husband having sex and him instantly getting blisters within 2 days it scares me that my baby will get herpes too and it is so deadly.

Does anyone have any kind of insight on this? Advice? I feel so lost and scared and feel like no one is serious about this when I am.