Successful VBAC at 40+6


I can't believe I just birthed this perfect, healthy boy. It all started with a bit of bloody show on Saturday night. All through Sunday I passed more, and had a very busy day walking around. Monday morning, April 1, I woke up at 7 to a tight, painful contraction. I laid in bed all morning, feeling them every 10 minutes or so. When I finally got out of bed, I passed some rusty brown blood. I called my husband at work and told him to check in once an hour until his lunch break. I called my mom, and she was over by noon with a healthy lunch. At this point, I could no longer talk through the contractions and they were about 3-5 minutes apart. My mom took me to see my 2 year old daughter at daycare, so I got to give her some love before the big show. We headed to meet my husband, and my mom followed us to the hospital and we got there at about 3 p.m.. Contractions were 2 minutes apart and I was moaning to get through, but I was only dilated to a 1! Due to my pregnancy history, they let me stay and got me on some morphine, which helped immediately to calm me down and level my BP. I was admitted, and labored in the tub for a little while, but oh my GOD I was in pain, so I asked for my epidural and got it at 1 a.m. Best decision of the day. After the epidural, they checked me and I was dilated to a 5 with a bulging bag. My doctor broke my water, and I rested for about an hour, until I started to feel lots of pressure. I felt the transition kick in, and at 2:35 I was at a 10 and my body was ready to push. Lincoln arrived at 2:43 this morning after 5 pushes. I had some minimal tearing, but my doctors were super pleased since he transitioned so quickly. My little guy is perfect, and I'm so proud of our story.