Bottle in bed..

FarmWife 🌾 • 2015 👧🏼 2017 👼🏼👼🏼 2018 👧🏼 🌈 2020 👶🏼

**Before you come here to cut me down on how bad it is to let a baby have a bottle in bed— just don’t! I’m well aware and that’s exactly why I am here!!

So, my 8 month old isn’t a huge formula drinker throughout the day. She’d rather play with it! At nap time she likes a big ole bottle of milk and out she’ll go, yes bottle in crib 😫. Then same thing again at bedtime and throughout the night if she wakes up. Big ole bottle and she’s out again. I want to stop the bottle completely throughout the night. I’ve had her weaned down to only 1-2oz once during the night. Then she’ll have a tough night and scream till she gets more and the vicious cycle starts again. Someone, without be so negative help a momma out! I’m fine with the cry it out within reason. She hasn’t taken a pacifier in over a month now either.