Ectopic pregnancy.

Just wanted to share my story, since a lot of others peoples stories really helped me.

About 3 weeks ago my husband and I found out we were pregnant and we were beyond excited.

We were realistic and knew that miscarriage could happen cause we were only 5 weeks so we didn’t tell anyone else.

Around 5 weeks and 4 days I started having bleeding, immediately thought miscarriage, but called my doctors and they said as long as it’s just when I wipe that it’s probably delayed implantation bleeding and my cervix was probably irritated.

The bleeding continued to stay the same until that Saturday when I was 5 weeks 6 days. All of. A sudden sharp left sided pain and more bleeding. Every story is different so of course I did research and remained calm knowing I had a doctors visit on Monday. The reason I didn’t think anything of it was cause I had right sided ovulation pain so I thought I ovulated from the right side NOT the left.

The cramping got unbearable where nothing would help. Tried Tylenol, hot baths, heating packs.

My HCG went from 1200 at the beginning of 5 weeks to around 1800 around 6 weeks. Typically that number doubles every 48 hours, so I knew something was wrong. **some research I have done tells you that if you have a slow rising HCG could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy (again not all the time but sometimes).

On Monday we would have been 6 weeks. Instead of tears of joy it was tears of sadness. They found the ectopic pregnancy in my left Fallopian tube.

Luckily my tube was only partially ruptured so I was given the option for IM methotrexate or surgery. Since this was my first pregnancy they recommended less invasive methotrexate so I could try and save my Fallopian tube.

**make sure you know your options you know the side effects. For 2 weeks, I had frequent doctors visits, lots of lab draws, no working out, no working cause I was still at chance of it rupturing.

REMEMBER- every story is different, every pregnancy is different, each of you gave me hope that my symptoms could be normal, and yours might be.

It is just helpful to hear stories that may be helpful through your own journey.

We have to wait 3 months now to let my body heal and make sure there is no residual methotrexate in my body. But through stories, and the community we are hopeful to have a beautiful baby soon ❤️❤️