Something out of a movie, but true. Part 2.

One day I recieved a text from a number I didn't recognize, saying it was Dave, a close friend of mine, and to call. "Hey, people are talking about your boy. Shits about to go down. Do you know what he's doing? Has he told you anything? You gotta quit messing with him." Dave always had a big thing for me, so I didn't know how much was true and how much was him trying to sabatoge my infatuation with Cameron. "No, I don't know anything. He hasn't said anything either. But I just saw him and everything seemed fine." I told him. He said, "Well I threw out my phone because I heard that the cops are tapping phone calls because of him, and my phone was doing all kinds of clicking and popping so I got paranoid and got a new one. I don't know what's really going on, but people are saying the cops are all over him." My heart stopped. I didn't know anything about this stuff and was ignorant to how all of that worked... But what I did know was my phone had been doing the same. Was it possible this was actually happening? Was it just a coincidence that my phone had been making these same sounds? I told Dave I didn't know anything and ended the call, but I was shaking with fear. Could I really be in the middle of something criminal? I was far from a criminal myself. I grew up sheltered by my mom and dad, didn't know a single person in jail, my only offense in life was a speeding ticket at 16 because I was in a hurry to get to school, I didn't run with the "thug" type... Or maybe I was? Although Cameron seemed... Hard... He definitely didn't give off a "thug" vibe. But I couldn't shake what Dave had said. My phone was definitely doing the same thing. Can the police tap a cell phone? I didn't know and I was scared. Too scared to even get rid of my phone. I figured I really didn't know what was going on, and I knew I was innocent in anything that might actually be happening. So I decided I was going on as normal, and if my phone was tapped I didnt want any suspicion on me because I ditched it, and I also knew my conversations were clean. I saw Cameron a few days later. Again, breaking my most recent vow of never seeing him. I told him what Dave had said. Cameron told me that Dave didn't know what he was talking about. He said Dave was a young punk who enjoyed the drama. And honestly... That kind of sounded like Dave. Cameron admitted to smoking weed, which I knew he did, I had seen him smoking it, and said he messed with cocain a bit. I wasn't entirely shocked by this. All the guys I ran with were into that kind of stuff. I had never messed with any of it, but I didn't care that they did. I only had 1 girlfriend, and the rest of my friends were men. But they always treated me well, looked out for me, helped me out with anything, and never pushed anything on me... So I didn't really care. And they never seemed out of their minds or acted like what I had always thought drug users did. They were all down to earth, sucessful, responsible, owned their own homes and cars, nice guys. I didn't even know one of them to have a child. So I really only saw it as a bad choice they were making for themselves. I guess because Cameron had now openly talked to me about it, it seemed easier for him to let me in on it a bit more. We began smoking weed together. One night with him at a friends, I tried cocain for the first time. Cameron didn't want me to try it, but I insisted.

Things went on as normal. I hadn't heard anything about the two men who Cameron had beaten in the parking lot that one day, and by now my worries about that had faded. Some time had passed but I was still hearing rumors about Cameron on a regular basis. And then one day while working, I get a phone call... "Hey! Your man is getting raided, RIGHT NOW! Where are you?" "I'm at work! What do you mean raided?" He replied, "There's helicopters flying around and cops everywhere. They've got that entire side of town shut down. But you can see it from the top of the hill. Drive down and go look! I'm watching it now. He's screwed." I thanked him and left work. I kept thinking, "this can't be real"... But it was... I drove down to the hill and sure enough, there it was. A helicopter was hovering and there were more cops than I had ever seen in my life... And worse... There was Cameron. Face down on a staircase with guns drawn on him. I was actually witnessing him being arrested. I knew it was him, that was his house, and though I couldn't make out his face, I recognized the way he was dressed and his tall, strong build. Yep. This was real. Everyone was right. I sat in my car and cried. I cried because I now knew that he wasn't going to call me that night. I cried because I knew I wouldn't see him later. Because I was losing what might have been the only man I would ever love with such passion. I was scared for him. And I cried because I was scared, I was involved with someone who was doing something serious. I went home to gather myself and decide what to do next. But there was nothing to do. It was done. Whatever was going on, was over. I didn't talk to Cameron again for a long time. He went to jail.

A couple years passed and I got a phone call from Brandon. "Hey, Cameron's looking for you." My heart stopped. I was filled with instant anxiety. Cameron? That was a memory I had been trying to avoid. I asked, "What do you mean? He's in jail, right?" Brandon said, "Yeah he was, but he's out. And he's trying to find you. Toast called me wanting to know where Cameron could find you. I didn't tell him anything, but I said I'd let you know so you could contact Cameron." I thanked him and told him I didn't know what I was going to do yet. This is exactly why I didn't want to get too close to Cameron. This was the dark, mysterious side that I avoided. I decided I wasn't going to get in contact with him. At this time, I had a new phone, new number, new car, and new home. I was living with my boyfriend, (my current husband) and had totally moved on. My new relationship was a serious one. I wasnt going back. Or so I thought.

There's one more part to this story, if anyone is reading. It's less dramatic than the previous, but brings the story to date. I'll type that out when I can. I'll also answer any questions anyone may have. It feels better to say what has happened, entirely. I don't know if I've even really thought about everything that happened as a whole. I've always been worried I'll run into him because we still live so close. If anyone has any advice on how I should handle that situation, please share. I feel it's inevitable. Maybe now that I'm putting some thought into this, I'll be more prepared for when I see him again.