Delivery Room Conflict

Monai • Married April 2018 💍 Baby girl born April 2019 💕 Baby 2 on the Way - 9/2021!

So it’s official, ladies! Being induced a week from today...April 9th at 8pm! Been waiting on confirmation from the hospital.’s my dilemma...this whole pregnancy my husband has been against anyone, especially my mother, being in the delivery room with us. He’s already irritated she’s going to come around 10-11pm (couple hours after we get there). Lolol he says she’s going to be overwhelming and make it about her...especially since she made the comment today she can’t wait to take pics of the baby in the outfit I came home in (no, she’s not for real going home in the same outfit but she wants at least a picture). My husband goes “this isn’t a photo shoot. She’s not a doll”. Just think they’re going to butt heads come the big day 😂🤦🏼‍♀️. I kind of want her AND my husband in there while I push but I’d rather just not argue 🤷🏼‍♀️ she’s known for awhile it was going to be just us but I was just trying to change his mind lol

I’m being kind of neutral about it but I know she’s going to be disappointed when she realizes that even last minute our decision didn’t change.

Anyone else go through this? How did you handle it?