39 weeks and struggling

Janna • Mama to a handsome little man and ttc #2❤️

Yesterday I had a sweep done and my doctor said it should work well for me. After my appointment, all night I had irregular cramping and contractions which I figured were just because my body was irritated. Today at 3am I had woken up nauseous from pain, and I was contracting and cramping up. They were about 8-10 mins apart and not horribly strong as I managed to rest on and off. By about 1pm today, they got to about 5 mins apart which is when I was told to go in but I was afraid of getting sent home again. My pain had gotten worse. I finally decided to get up and go sit in the tub at 230ish which is when I noticed I got my bloody show. I had lost my plug last week. Eventually I had a hard time with the pain and the contractions that gotten about 3-5 mins apart. I went in like I was told, and found I dilated to a 3(I was a 2 yesterday) eventually my contractions were just so bad but guess what, I got checked after an hour and I was still at a 3. So I got sent home. Y’all I’m so done with this. I bawled to my boyfriend when the nurse left and said we could leave. I can’t do this much longer, it’s getting so hard on my depression 😔