No maternity leave. 😪😪😪

I’m just writing this to vent I guess. Well I’m 37 weeks today and Sunday I went into work and gave them my note for maternity leave come to find out they don’t offer it. I basically quit my job and if I want it back then I have to reapply and if they have an opening then I may get it back. I’ve tried the past 2 months to get info on maternity leave and nobody knew. I’m only part time so that’s why I don’t get any. I moved to a new state a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant and I’ve tried to start my life over with my husband everything was great until this past week. I’m so devastated. I want to cry, be upset, but in the end I waited 5.5 years to have this baby so I should be glad and happy. But I’ve also spent 8 months at this job and absolutely love it. My last day is Friday and I just know I’m going to break down and cry. I don’t know what to do. I get induced in 2 weeks I’m nervous and excited but wish I had more time at my job to prepare for my goodbyes. It feels like I’m literally saying goodbye forever to someone. How has anyone got over this? My husband is being so supportive but he has no idea how heart broken I am he just says it’ll be okay. We’ve never had only 1 income and I also feel like shit that I won’t have any money coming in and he has to pay my bills. I really need encouraging words, advice or anything. 😪😪😪😪😪