He’s here!


Noah Lazaro


3:16pm after a 4 hour labor

8lbs 11oz

20.5 inches

My birth story:

I was scheduled for an induction at 7:00am at 39+4 but was called to say they were full at 5:45am. I was devastated... But I was told to call back at 9:00am and luckily I got in. I was nearly 6cm dilated and fully effaced so they decided to break my waters first at 11:00am to see how I reacted. I started contracting immediately but they did not regulate so I got a low dose of pitocin to get things going at 11:45am. I went from 0 pain to “kill me now” in 30 minutes. I had nearly back to back contractions that started in my back and wrapped around my pelvis and into my legs. And ladies... I’ve seen so many articles that said pelvic cramps aren’t contractions because you feel them at the top too, not me. It was pure back and pelvis pain! I got the epidural at 2:00pm when I was 7cm dilated and it was pure bliss! I got in a quick nap and woke up at 3:00pm with lots of pressure so my nurse checked me and I was complete and ready to go. The nurse had me do a practice push and 2 seconds into the push she told me to stop because I was a super pusher. They called in the doctor and baby nurse and got me all set up. At 3:15pm I was told to push my best and I boy did I. 4 quick pushes and my baby boy was born at 3:16pm with only a small tear. He came out so fast his little head has some bruising but we were told it’s normal. He latched on immediately and has been feeding like a breastfeeding champion since. His older brother and sister are smitten.