Pre labor stage

Tiffany • Married with two wonderful little boys. Couldn’t change it because it’s the best thing ever.

What is everyone’s experiences on prelabor? Did you have irregular contractions for a few hours or days before they got worse and turned into active labor? I’m exactly 36 weeks today and since I’ve woke up I’ve been having pains in the edges of my belly for most of the day that were constant, seemed to be round ligament pain, the muscles felt very sore. I’ve yet to be check for dilation except once at 32 weeks when I went and got an IV for dehydration and was closed. Since about 4-5pm. It’s now 10 pm. I’ve been having lots of irregular contractions/Braxton Hicks. I’ve drank 3 glasses of water and tried doing different activities, even took a bath. And they still seem to come and go. Most have been nearly painless while some are a bit uncomfortable and give me vaginal pain. They’re not even lasting the same amount of time or progressing. Some I’ve felt my belly tighten just slightly but not even feel uncomfortable. I’m not sure what to make of it? 🤷🏼‍♀️ the pictures below shows what I’ve charted. The ( # mins) shows the time between the next one. What are your thoughts and your experiences with pre labor or false labor? This is my second baby and my first I was induced at 40&6 due to high blood pressure so I’ve never had labor symptoms.