
So when i took a pregnancy test and it came back positive, i book an appointment right away. So in about 2 weeks time was my appt. During the wait i started to notice some vaginal discharge that was not normal so i said I'm going to tell the doctor when i go for my check up. Went for the check up and i told him i think i have a yeast infection or bv of one of those infection..he was like lets do a STD screening to check for chylamdia/gonorrhea, i said i dnt have that cuz i did a std test a 6month before and it started as soon as i found out. He insisted and did the test and a pap smear test and then an ultrasound and that was it. He said the labs be back in a week. I've been waiting and waiting and eveytime i called for the results they say oh the lab did not update them as yet. Because my insurance hadn't come through as yet i didnt want to go somewhere else and pay cash like i did with that, but it was getting worse so after about 2 weeks i decide to go somewhere else. The day i went to the new doctor i called they said your results came back negative. Like i know that !! Told my new doctor my symptoms and what happen before.. By this time there was an odor. She check me and said you have A SEVERE CASE OF BV , why didnt the doctor prescribe anything for you ? I was like i knew it.. she gave me my prescription right away and it goes to show that when you know you know. And that first doctor can eat my $$$$$$ because he should have known. !!! Let me just say not everyone who has a PHD in the medical field is a doctor some of them is a load of garbage who don't know shit!!