Little miss Ellie


I was scheduled to be induced on April 4th, but on April 1st the doctor determined that I was in early labor and sent me over to be induced... things weren't so bad until 1:41 am when they broke my water... that's when I really felt the contractions and baby decided she was going to play with her cord and kept dropping her heart rate. With a little luck and an epidural, I found some positions that kept her away from the cord and I didn't need a c-section. At 9 o'clock I got told I was at 100% and we could start pushing... well then we had to wait for the doctor because she was in a c-section, so I started pushing at 9:30 and at 10:46am April 2nd, we had our little Eleanor Eilene weighing in at 7lbs 14oz and measuring at 20.5 inches. She's absolutely beautiful and worth every moment of unpleasantness!