Glucose test


Just curious if anyone has had bad reactions to the glucose test? I had my 2 hour done yesterday (i had gd with my last pregnancy) the drink of course was nasty i also had to fast and i felt fine for 30 mins after drinking it.. I had laid my head down because i was tired..i had this horrible feeling so i raised up thinking I was going to get sick only to not be able to see or hear or talk. My husband said my eyes rolled back and I started trembling and my lips were blue.. He went to receptionist to get help but she didnt do anything. He finally pulled a nurse from the back and she raised my feet up tried to get me to respond at all... After a few minutes of my feet being up i was able to drink a few sips of water and they laid me on a bed in the back.. I felt shaky the rest of the 2 hour test.. It was very scary because I literally felt like I was dying. But they said this was a completely normal reaction.. But i dont think so... Not being able to communicate at all is not normal in my opinion..