Fresh start! What other tricks am I missing??


Well...skipping April and will be a May FET but I think for the best bc I have my test at the end of the month and first weekend after am out of town so this schedule puts us safely the second week of May, but with less just to see about this lining!

So excited and hopeful RE said as long as it’s trilaminar again (it was beautiful last time, just too thin) and 6.5mm we will give it a shot! (Got to 6.1mm last time)

Pulling out all the stops again...

Here goes the:



-vitamin e

-castor oil packs

-raspberry leaf tea

-licorice root

-fertility acupuncture (gonna try to do at home myself...)

-fertility massage

-continue with increased exercise

-pomegranate juice



Anything else I’m forgetting?? Bring on the wives tales and any other tricks, gotta get this uterus growing!