Should I break up?

My boyfriend of 5 years and I were at the gas station this morning and i had to get gas. Usually my boyfriend pumps for me but this time he went in because he had to go to the bathroom and buy us snacks so I was pumping this time. While he is in the bathroom a man came up to me with his small child and told me that he needs just $10 in gas to make it to the next city to take his daughter to school. I agreed and swiped my boyfriend’s debit card at his pump (I would have swiped mine but I make less money and my boyfriend always pays for us anyway. He was paying for my gas). Well the man was pumping and I told him to stop at $10 but he kept going anyway and ended up putting $35 in his tank despite me begging him to stop.

When my boyfriend came out I told him what happened and he was furious. Not just with the man, but with me. He told me that guy is a well known fraud and that I never should have swiped his debit card without checking with him first. I feel really hurt because I was just trying to help out a child and I thought what’s his money is my money since he’s always saying that. He accused me of disrespecting him by not asking before doing something and now apparently he can’t afford his car insurance coming out because of that unexpected purchase (which I don’t think is true because he never hurts for money).

He told me that if I can’t respect him enough to ask before making purchases with his card that he will be handling the purchases from now on. I think he’s being really mean/unreasonable and if he can’t respect the love I have for helping people and share his money with me like we would anyway if we were spending our lives together that maybe he isn’t the one. Should I break up?

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