Moro reflex


My LO seems to fall asleep faster at night since I stopped swaddling her. She’s still waking up for night feeds about two night feeds which I think is pretty normal for her age (she turns four months next week) at night it seems her startle reflex is non-existent. Occasionally she will startle if there is a loud noise or the dogs bark but she isn’t having those involuntary movements associated with the startle reflex however during her daytime naps she is still having them. She hates being swaddled and with traditional swaddles she completely escapes from them and I her swaddle sack she fights when she’s in it so I started to transition her. What can I do to help her nap better. She will only take a good nap if I lay and cuddle her during the day. At night is no issue she sleeps in her bassinet just fine.