Today has been one of those days with my toddler. 😒


Personal space. Wtf is that!?

Shes been trying to climb on top of me allll day. She would not go to sleep for a nap today until she fell asleep..ON TOP OF ME. Tried to do something fun today..blow bubbles. She wants to sit in my lap whilst I try to blow them and she tries to pop them from my lap. Dinner is done.. I try to take a moment to myself while dad bathes her. After she is done she runs to my lap as Im sitting on the couch.. She realizes Im about to LOSE IT. She so kindly touches her LIPS to my FACE and whispers, "Whats wrong?" 😭😭😭 So close I can smell her bbq chicken dinner breath. I chug my glass of wine. If I hear my name called one more time (Mommy), Im leaving to find the nearest bridge to dive head first off of. SOS