He’s going to Basic this summer


He’s going to BMT in June and I’m so heart broken. When he graduates I get to see him for 3 days and afterwards he goes to military college (AIT) for maybe...6-12 months at most then when he graduates from THERE, he has a 12 day leave. These are the only opportunities I will have to see him that I’m looking forward to so far. I just don’t know how to be emotionally strong and I don’t like the mind set of having to wait for him to come home for the rest of our relationship as it stands. Because we’re a young couple and marriage is maybe 5-8 years away and it’s just the constant “I wish you were here” for the next couple years until something next happens in our relationship. I feel like because he’s gone we can’t move forward and progress in our relationship. We’re only dating but it’s very serious. Very. And super healthy relationship if I’d say so myself...any tips? Or stories that you’ve gone through similarly?