Please give advice

So my bf and I started dating 5 years ago. The first year we met when we were seniors at different high schools. I was planning to go out of state for college and didn’t let dating him impact my goals. He stayed in state and we are still currently doing that. I graduate last year and am at the same school with a grad program for the next 3 years. We always talked about after him moving by me since I was going to grad school. Well now when he graduates in May the tables have completely turned. His parents obviously don’t want him to move and gave him a huge promotion a month ago... plus he picks his hours and honestly won’t get a job like that after graduation. His job for his parents is nothing related to his major nor something he wants to do... he wants a government job. He’s just recently applied for some stuff in New York and DC since they have a lot of jobs. I have told him how I feel and how I want him to get a job he loves wherever but when it’s currently April and he has nothing why can he not come move in with me for the summer??? In the past 5 years our visits have only been 5 days long and every 2 months. I’m not gonna lie but we fight a lot during that time... sometimes it’s stupid stuff but other times it’s stuff like me saying how I don’t feel comfortable about this girl constantly texting him/tagging him in stuff etc to which he doesn’t get and then drops the conversation. For this summer when I explained how he has nothing planned besides work he asked why he should be the one to leave and I explained have a rotation for school, a job + classes in person. Then he said how he needs to make money this summer... so I found him a website that has all these bartending jobs that are as needed so if he came down for 2-3 weeks could easily do some of that. Plus I have an apartment, would buy food and put gas in my car so there’s already minimal expense on his part. I’m just so tired of his excuses and clearly he doesn’t want to be with me long term if he can’t come be with me for 2-4 weeks. I also think his parents have something to do with this and not wanting him to do even though he is 22. I was already upset and then last night realized that by the time I would graduate it would be 8 years of long distance. Yes I love him and all and want us to reach our careers goals but when’s there no reason for us to be long distance this summer I don’t get it. Idc where he gets a job but wish his priority this summer was being with me... so that when he does get a job that we are long distance again it wouldn’t be as hard. I just don’t want to be wasting my time when I don’t even know if we are truly compatible. I also don’t want to force him to be with me but at the same time he could apply for jobs near me just for see what he can get..he can always say no... I would do the same if the roles were switched.