So I feel like my husband is the body nazi

So....I just had my 4th baby almost 8 months ago and while I haven’t had much motivation to work out I am about 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. My first three were with my first husband. I have some pretty bad stretch marks and he called me Freddy Kruger stomach....and I got pissed and told him to never call me that again and he never has. He always goes on about how he hates cellulite I have a little bit...I feel like a lot of women have some sort of cellulite ....then he says I have no too skinny...I just feel like never good enough....on one hand I care on the other hand I don’t give a flying fffff. Here is a recent picture ...I’m also 5’10

And no he doesn’t have an 8 pack or is in tip top shape....he also has cellulite on his butt but I don’t have the heart to tell him.