Advice regarding a lump after surgery 😞

I had a lipoma removed 5 1/2 months ago, just recently I went back because there lump is a lump in the same spot again or is scarring as my surgeon said. ****They didn’t biopsy**** because she and the assistant nurse could tell it was extremely benign. It was on my right rib cage so it hurt and that’s why I got it removed.

But now there’s a hard lump/ball in there and I could feel it like a crunchy sensation when I messed with it. It hurts every now and then when I lay on it.... etc, but I went back to her and she did an ultrasound on it to check and she showed me the scarring and assured me I’m fine.

But it seems just a bit bigger and “pointy” as my fiancé said. Is there any chance this could be cancer ? Even though she looked at it through an ultrasound and showed the scarring ? I’m just concerned. I had my mind put at ease when she told me it’s scarring on the ultrasound but now I’m just scared again that it’s cancerous and maybe she made a mistake by not getting it biopsied 😞 I’m only 19 😞

I don’t know what to do.. I’m 25 weeks pregnant and im scared...

I just messed with it a little and now it’s tingling.. i just can’t stop thinking about it since it feels bigger than it was

The scar & the lump.