Worst year

This year had sucked! The first week of January our car was broken into and stuff stolen. Beginning of February cops show up at our doorstep asking about our kids. My stepson had been going to school, hiding his lunch, telling the teachers we didnt have money for lunch so that he could get extra snacks. 2 weeks after this I was in a car accident at 23 weeks pregnant 6 days. Baby and I are now doing fine (31 weeks pregnant). But I now have anxiety and probably PTSD from it. Late February my very best friend moved across the US. Then just this week we had all of our bank accounts put on hold and ended up losing $1,000. This was our fault we had a cc from 3 years ago that we didnt pay on so they are collecting now. Just sucks because finances are really tight. Then yesterday morning my biological mom called to tell me my half brother killed himself. I'm not sure how to process this as I didnt know him well. He was 11 years, older than me. My heart hurts but I dont feel like I have a right to be hurt as I didnt know him well. I wish I would have tried reaching out more but now it is too late.

I'm sitting here wondering how to get through all life has thrown at us this year. My step son has severe behavioral problems, my baby boy has had issues gaining weight and is in speech therapy, I'm still fighting with the insurance from the car accident. I really need this year to turn around.

Just needed to get this all out. Need some encouragement.