BFP then big fat heavy bleeding


Please stay with me. March 10 me and my fiance had unprotected sex and of course he pegged it I got pregnant after 4 days late I tested two test one day BFP and one test two days later BFP but I'm currently miscarrying and this will be my second time. Clots are huge and even though I was only 4-5 weeks I still feel very embarrassed and so much grief. I'm getting married may 4th and I feel as if I can't even be excited about my wedding day when I've put so much and my mom has put so much into this. I want to try again but I'm scared of being disappointed with myself I couldn't carry. I know I should be greatful for the children I have already and I'm extremely greatful but loosing a child makes you feel as if your worthless even to you breathing children. I'm trying to stay positive throughout but the more blood there is and the more pain I'm in I just feel so depressed. I have depression and anxiety anyways so this has me spiraling. All I'm asking is for a little prayer or to have me and my family in your thoughts. Even though this wasn't planned having my family of 4 to grow to 5 was starting to be so exciting.