Could it be??


So my husband and I had a miscarriage in November 2018, conceive in January 2019 and baby passed at 10.5 weeks. I had a d&e on 3/12/19. I started BBTing again to help learn my cycle. I have PCOS and conceiving has been a struggle for us.

This is my BBT chart with my January pregnancy.

And this is my BBT chart today.

It’s following a really similar pattern. Think it’s possible that we got lucky and caught an egg this month?

I’d love nothing more than to have another rainbow baby.

I have a two year who was conceived after six months of clomid after our first miscarriage in January 2016.

Praying for another rainbow 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

What do you all think?