I came across this group and I'd like to share my story...

I consider myself to be a pretty girl. I'm 21. I dated a guy for 2 years who was addicted to porn (child porn), I then dated a guy who forced himself on me 2 weeks in...never spoke after that night. I didnt even know it was rape until months later because I just kept putting it in the back of my mind. I then was manipulated by a 36 year old man at the age of 17. He groomed me. I met my prince charming 2 years ago. With his help, we turned the man in. He spent 1 month in prison and will be on the sex offender list for 15 years. I could have never done it without my man by my side.

My point is... I was to the point where I just thought men were all the same. Like it was okay for them to have their way with a females body. I went through times of deep depression and anxiety. Why did so much happen to me? When I met my fiance, I grew as a person. I realized that's not okay and those guys are douche bags. If I hadn't met him, my entire life would be different. I wouldn't have put a pervert in jail. I wish I could go back and put the man who forced himself on me in jail...but I cant. Stand up for yourself!! If something happened to you, talk to your local detective. Yes, I was a minor at the time so my name wasnt released however, that doesnt mean peoples harsh comments didnt come out on social media under the news release. Most of the harsh comments were directed towards him but there are those people who just dont understand. It's way done and over with now and I couldnt be happier. A weight was lifted off my shoulder. Do the same for yourself... I promise you can