
I’m never scheduled Monday’s

So I don’t really look at my schedule


Tuesday to see what days I work

But she texted me and told me

I work the days she wants me to work

I don’t even have a car

But I still come in

Whenever she asks

Me to come in

And she gives me 5 days a week

And I’m still in highschool

And have so much more going

On but isn’t that rude ?

Or maybe I’m overreacting?

I’m pretty sure I am

And then you gave this guy that works there

He calls me dirty

And slow

I’m not either one

So I don’t let it get to me

But she knows that and schedule him with me all the time.

Before you comment uncessary comments yes I come in when I’m suppose to but I told her I can’t work Monday’s and even without having a. Car I still show up on days I don’t work

Or early to fill in for someone.