Strange kids are becoming TOO MUCH!

So 11.5months ago I started babysitting two kids full-time. They are a 4yr old lil boy and a 7yr old lil girl. When I first meet the kids and started babysitting they were super sweet and they are very smart. They are homeschooled, but go to church, are involved in 4H, and do swim lessons so interact with other kids, but they are very strange. I don’t say this like they are a little off and unsocialized, no like within the last 11.5months the lil girl has told me over a handful of times that she’d be better off dead or she should just run off into the woods and never be found.(Yes, I told her parents!) She also already has issues with her weight and she’s 7! She asks if outfits make her look fat and so on. She’s only 7 and very thin. Her brother is honestly a bit scary. Only a month after I started watching them I went to the restroom while they watched a movie and my son(5 months old at the time) sat in the bouncer. I suddenly heard my baby crying/screaming not his normal cry and hurried out of the restroom to catch the lil boy trying to push this outfit down my son’s throat gun first.

I almost quit right then and there, but I really needed the money to support my little one so I rationalized that kids are weird and they do weird things, I’d just bring the baby with me to the restroom from then on. Well, after that there’s a few more “weird” incidents. He told me twice that I needed to put tape over the baby’s mouth because he was crying and now today his sister came out of their room and told me that he told her that he wants to kill my son and wishes he never came to their house. I’m honestly terrified of what this kid would do if I didn’t have my eyes on my son at all times. At what point does one say forget this is too much even if it’s a good source of income??? Their parents have been amazing at working with me. I miscarried a week after starting and they gave me all the time I needed off and after I found out I was pregnant again they gave me everyday I’ve needed off for appointments and for Christmas they gave me $200. I get paid $10/hr and they give me time and half every time I work outside normal hours. I honestly need at least a break, but can’t afford to take a break until baby #3 gets here and that could be anytime from now to 6weeks from now. 😞