Question About Autism


Hello all

I recently noticed the growing number of parents on here with an autistic child. I have a question in regards to early signs. My son is 19 months old. He’s had a rough go at life since day one. His whole first year we were in and out of GI clinics because of reflux and lack of weight gain. He currently weighs 17 pounds and is 24” tall. He’s in speech therapy and does say a few things and mimics other sounds (like that of a 9 month old) and he’s also in physical therapy because at his first birthday he wasn’t even sitting up on his own. Those are just a few concerns, my main concern is that when he gets upset (many times it’s out of the clear blue) he bangs his head on the hardwood floor. And when he’s sitting in his high chair or my lap, he rocks back banging his head on the chair or my chest.

I have other family members with severe autism, but I was too young when they were little to remember or even notice early signs. He has great social skills, and will stare a stranger in the eyes like it’s his job. He’s almost walking fully now, and loves loud noises. Is the head banging just a boy thing? My other family members do it when overstimulated which is why I’m concerned.