The baby gift registry is there for a reason! *Rant*


[I am not the mom to be, I am just a guest of the baby shower] I hope I'm speaking for most mom to bes out there about how important utilizing the baby gift registry is!

I just went to my sister in law's baby shower yesterday. A very lovely shower, and she got lots of gifts. But I was appalled how very few people bought off her registries and she ended up getting duplicates and triplicates of several things and not getting the stuff she really needed. Like what the hell people?

I know many people wait until last minute and getting gifts off the buybuybaby or Amazon registry won't be possible, but at least where we live, there's a Target everywhere which was her other registry.

She got like two baby bathtubs, three boppys, and several other duplicates. My mom had gotten her one of the boppys and courteously told my sister in law she would exchange it for the gift she originally was going to get which was a diaper genie that was on her registry. Don't know why my mom changed her mind, I would've told get to not get the boppy. The boppy was not on her registry because she got a hand me down one from her friend, so she didn't need one.

Just a PSA that if the mom to be has a registry, if at all possible, please buy off the registry. Unless you personally asked her that she needs something not on her registry, assume that she already has it! Because not only did you waste your time picking a gift, but you waste the mother's time having to go return it if it ends up being a duplicate. Or she might not have the time and your gift will just go to waste or get regifted.