Feeling good and sassy


I have always had minor health issues that always revolved around my cycle. I had 2 of my own kids and successfully(except for having to deal with threatening pre term labour from about week 29)carried a baby as a surrogate(made it to 38 weeks). From then on I had either too heavy of a cycle(resolved that with endometrial ablation) or dark sticky cycles.

Finally in 2018 I felt like I needed to make some health changes. I went to my doc and got her to finally get me in to my gynecologist to get my hysterectomy set up and done. This was early on in the year. I spent the rest of it trying to lose weight. I am not a fan of fad diets that don't allow me to eat what I want to eat so I just decided to track calorie intake and stick close to 1200 calories per day. It went no where. Thankfully I didn't gain until fall and stuck just below 200.

Then on January 25, 2019 I got my hysterectomy. I had it done laparoscopically and aside from my first couple weeks I didn't need anything for pain and if I did it really was just ibuprofen or tylenol. I didn't want to gain weight since I was restricted to slow walking for short periods of time and not allowed to lift anything heavier than a dinner plate so I restricted my calories to 1200 or less. I officially started on this more serious attempt to lose weight on February 3, 2019 started off at 192.6 lbs and within a month I was at 187 lbs with low exercise as I was still on recovery. Then after that I was able to start doing much more. Then that brings us to today. I am now at 179.4 lbs. I regularly hit 10000 steps, I eat net 1200 calories, and I track it all. I am so proud of this. The last time I was below 180 lbs I was single and it was before i had my kids.

This was me last fall

And this is my last month's progress.

I feel healthy, I feel awesome and most of all I feel sassy

Thanks for reading!