severe morning sickness early on

Krista • Love him 11.28.08

i havent went to drs yet its scheduled for monday from calculations im 6 weeks today i feeeeel so sick been in bed for 2 days hardly have a appetite not throwing up but nauses as hell this is my 4th pregnancy and my first ever was easy after the first 3 months but that was 13 yrs ago then the last 2 i was sick my entire pregnancy but not this early on i have zofran on hand its not really wrking for me what does evrryone use for morning sickness my last pregnancy nothin really wrked they had me on reglan ive tried ginger snaps nope i hate this feeling help share what u use or do to help this feeling its literally like a bad hangover without the throwing up part and ive tried to throw up and cant 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️