Husband can’t get hard while I’m pregnant.


Hello ladies. Just looking for some advice if someone has/is experiencing the same kinda scenario.

So me and my husband have been together 11 years and married for 2. We have a fantastic relationship and we are very loving towards each other with kisses, cuddles etc.

I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant with our first child and last time we had sex was about 6 weeks ago now. I initiated it that time.

This morning I initiated sex again and he couldn’t get hard. He said he’s worried about harming the baby and I know that isn’t possible as the baby is further up in a bag of amniotic fluid but how can I get him out of that mindset?

Has anyone gone through this as I’m only half way and can’t imagine no sex till way after baby is here. I thought it was because he didn’t find me attractive anymore but he said no it’s because it’s just weird that fact there is a baby in there and he’s putting his penis in.