God needs you to hear this!!#ttc#bereadyforbaby


Psalms 113:9 He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children! Praise the Lord!"

I just wanted to write about my ttc journey and my walk with God! Ive learned that without faith in action , theres no point in having faith! So Ive decided to put faith in who God is and when He says "ask and you SHALL receive " with thanksgiving and supplication, then i will trust him and further make moves believing His truth! So are you still crying begging God for something you don't have?? Its because you dont believe that you are already have what you asked for and further not trusting God at His word! Its time to stop begging and time to start thanking God for what's to come ,BELIEVING in His word and believing a Father would love to give his beloved a gift they desired so deeply! Trust in the purest love to give you a perfect gift and thank Him ,then and only then will you walk in faith and understand that its the things hoped for that remain unseen, believe God not your eyes than God will open the floodgates and you will Know He is true!!