Sarah • 34 y/o. Baby boy born Jan 15, 2020. Pregnant with # 2. Stepmom to a 14 year old.

Ok ladies, as some of you know, using the Clear Blue Digital Ovulation kit becomes pretty expensive, and wasteful, having to throw out the test wand after you use all 20 test strips that come with the kit.

Clear Blue does not make refills for the ovulation test kit.... BUT GET THIS: YOU CAN BUY THE FERTILITY TEST STICKS REFILLS (meant for the Fertility Monitor) and use them for your digital ovulation wand, AND THEY DO THE EXACT SAME THING!!!! *GASP*

NO more buying multiple wands, no more wasted money!!! Clear Blue company are dirty shiesters making you buy a whole new wand every time, when the digital reader wand itself has LOTS of battery life left in it after one cycle. Its pathetic how they prey on women desperate to get pregnant - they are money grabbing cheats!

So next time you go to buy a whole new digital ovulation test kit (with wand), DON'T! BUY THE FERTILTY TEST STICK REFILLS INSTEAD!!! (For a fraction of the cost, and you get 30, yes 30 strips for less than thr cost of the whole kit combined)

Pic posted below!

(They will deny that this works, but that is just their dirty marketing telling you that you need to keep buying the whole kit and caboodle each time! The box will say it's for use in the Fertlity Monitor only. But remember, they just want you to spend more money!!)