Sleep regression


Ok we are in the middle of sleep regression here for a week now and it is horrible!!!

My baby slept from 12 till 9 from when she was 8 weeks old and now she doesn't sleep longer then 2 hours then is awake for an hour some nights it's every 45 minutes and awake for an hour

She doesn't nap a lot either. Never longer then 45 minutes . But most days 2 or 3 naps of 20 minutes is it.

She is exclusively breastfed does not take a bottle

So all night I do alone

I don't have any family nearby as my family lives 650 miles away and my hubby works long hours

So all day I do alone

And I am absolutely drained.i am so tired I feel sick .

Who of you is still in sleep regression ?? And for the ones who have had it how long did it last?? And how is your LO sleeping now??