Sleep training??


Did any mommas sleep train at 5.5 months.. I don’t want to be an awful mom, but we seriously need to do something and I’m willing to take any and all advice on the subject.

I tried to take the boob away last night and give a pacifier in place.. it did not go well. So I rocked her to sleep and eventually she caved but she wakes every time she is put down while asleep and will scream (probably until the end of time) if I try to put her down sleepy but awake to soothe herself to sleep. She’s always nursed to sleep and slept with me so this is going to be a huge transition, but I just can’t live this way anymore 🙃🙃

I should add we’re not moving her to her crib yet, just her pack n play in our room to make night feeds (if still happening) easier!

Please no rude comments just weighing out my options to see if, when and how to do this if we decide!