Late period ):

I’m making this post because I have no one else to rant to (other than my boyfriend, and I’ve stressed him enough) ((please don’t hate, I just need to rant and get this all out))

My period is 5 days late, I’m panicking. I’m planning on getting a pregnancy test within the next week but I’m seriously praying I’m not pregnant. My boyfriend and I are both only 17, and before a bunch of people attack me, yes I realize we’re young, I’m aware that we should have used protection and we were both stupid to not to. Neither of us are in a place to have a baby, I always talk about how much I love kids but I didn’t mean I want one. I completely regret not using protection, I honestly have no idea what I’m going to do if I’m pregnant. I know there’s plenty of options, but it’s hard to think about..